Planning: Filming schedule

We have created a filming schedule so we know what time we are all available to go out and film our horror teen movie (Alec). So when it comes to us filming we know the schedule and set times for when we will film each individual shot. This will ensure that the whole group will know what dates we are filming.

Saturday 28th of January

At 13:30 on Saturday us as a group will be filming altogether at the abandoned building located at Grafton Underwood at 13:40 we will do our first shot which is a long shot of Alec praying at the alter slowing tracking in.

From 13:40 to 14:00

During this time period we will be dressing the location to fit the feeling of an abandoned yet occupied establishment. We will dress the alter with a bible, crucifix , several church pillar candles and a piece of fabric to cover the table itself. For the hall way we will add bible verses, giant cross, add more church pillar candles and a dead body (actor).

From 14:00 to 15:00

From this time frame we will be filming 2 - 6 scenes and making them in the finest detail for our viewers. We will film he scenes in the hour (estimated time) which will the lead us to the next hour when we are able to complete scenes 7 - 11.

From 15:00 to 16:00

During this time, we will be filming our scenes 7 - 11, during January it gets dark around 16:30 so we plan to go back the next day which is Sunday, and finish our final scenes.

Sunday 29th of January 

From 13:30 to 14:30 

This period, we will finish all the scenes we have been developing through story boards and performing all of the shots so we are able to move on with the editing.

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