The History of Horror Films


  1. Thank you for completing this task Ashley. Your presentation has strengths in relation to your use of technology although the general level of research overall is best classified as 'basic' - you need to ensure that your blog posts are always at least 'proficient' and 'detailed' if you are to achieve your target grade.

    One interesting point that you make is the prevalence of the sequel in post 2000 horror films. What do you think film production companies and, Moreno importantly, the people who provide the finance for films, are keen for sequels to be made for successful films?

    1. Successful films like paranormal activity have sequels. Movies that have sequels usually have a generated fanbase from the first movie and has proven to be quite successful at making money therefore producers of the film will not take a risk with a new idea but stick to the one they know will get them a cinema release and ticket sales at the box office.

    2. Thinking about the issues surrounding production, distribution and exhibition of films is something that we will develop more fully later in the course Ashley. It is, however, a topic which you may choose to develop your knowledge of through wider independent reading. Try visiting the British Film Institute's website at as there is lots of interesting reading material there for someone who is genuinely interested in the film industry.
